Christian Fiction Reveiw


Ted Dekker
Frank Pertti
* * * * * * * 7 out of 10 stars


Two of the best suspense and horror authors in the whole genre came together to write this book...and it worked! The book starts with a couple speeding along the highway. Soon they get lost and have to be in the city in an hour to get to a mariage counseling appt. They are met by a nice that gives them a road to take a Shortcut to get back to the highway. They soon find this shortcut and travel on it for miles and miles,they have missed their appointment and know that the officer was wrong this was no shortcut... and so begins this medium pased thriller.
Medium Pased because the whole four hundred page book takes place over the duration of a night. But it is strong in the story lineand the twist and turns are very unpredictable. Suspensefully Recommended

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“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”
C.S. Lewis quote